Project Description
Transition Support Goal
Residential Aftercare for First Nations in early recovery from addiction including the related impacts of trauma, abuse, concurrent mental health disorders, and dysfunctional family units. To address significant gaps not currently being met by services available to most First Nations in the Alberta region.
We will provide residential rehabilitation for First Nations people needing intensive support and services while transitioning to and from correctional (pre-correctional/presentencing, post-corrections, alternative justice programs) and Addiction programs (detox, residential and community-based treatment) or those that have barriers to employment.
Provide the participants with the opportunity to engage in a job ready curriculum designed for them to obtain a foundation of knowledge and skills enabling them to acquire sustainable employment. Download form
The program helped me with working in may diverse jobs. I’m glad I got the experience and met so many new people!
I learned a lot about job searching, different techniques and how to improve my resume and cover letter. I gained valuable work experience and it helped me figure out what I would like to do for a career.
Please fill out the form below for more information about the program or to apply.
Are you interested in the Transition Support Program? Fill out the contact form with your details and we will contact you to provide more information or start the application process with you.